Tinytree is getting a tropical makeover!

Part 1: Police Station & O'Hare's House

So when I said that I would "fix up" Tinytree, I was only planning on simply running around town for a while to deteriorate the grass and get my dirt paths back. Instead, I made an impulsive decision to tear it down and rebuild it! In this case, it is the opposite of Borei's town completion goal. When I had started documenting Borei's progress in this blog, the landscaping was already done but the houses were unfinished. Tinytree's houses are all finished, so now I can just focus on the landscaping! While Tinytree's first version had an Autumn themed forest town, this time around I am going to make a summery tropical town! (ACNH hype, yay) I was never active on blogs when I was building my town's layout so I'll try to document my process for Tinytree's redesign.

My plans and goals for Tinytree

  • Tropical theme: Hibiscus starts only and orange/yellow/pink colour scheme with hints of other colours
  • Two new villagers: June (replacing Beau) and Scoot (replacing Opal)
  • Move Dizzy's house to a better location
  • Gain perfect town status and remodel town hall to either modern or zen (still undecided)
  • POSSIBLY make a new character to replace Charlie who was deleted for plot resetting purposes (RIP Charlie :'o). But I'm too lazy to design a whole new house. 

Tinytree originally had an orange-coloured theme and I liked to play in the Autumn months. However, a lot of my villagers houses clashed with this theme (eg. Dizzy, Opal, STINKY especially) so I thought that changing it to a tropical theme would give me more leeway to use colourful flowers and combinations while still keeping consistent throughout the town. For example, here's Stinky's yellow trash can house >:(

Stinky's house was plot near my "purple and orange natural springs" area so I had to try and come up with a way to make his house work with the rest of the town. This eventually made me landscape most of my areas according to the villager's houses and the main areas with no villagers had the orange/purple theme going on. Stinky had red, orange, yellow, and blue flowers while Dizzy had blue and orange flowers. Pudge lived next to me and we had a purely orange/black colour scheme but it didn't work with Dizzy's terrible amiibo plot (who plot right in front of Pudge) so the picture on the left was my solution. I thought both these houses looked quite nice but it might be better with a more consistent colour scheme. Honestly, I may just be doing this redesign to make Stinky and Dizzy's houses fit in with the town better. I love them too much!

Working on the Police Station

rebuilding rite of passage: Bees
Anyways! First things first, I cut down and demolished almost all trees and PWPs around town so I can work with a blank slate. I also moved my flowers to safe areas like on the beach or to the very edges of the map. Technically, I didn't have to redo everything because I already like most of Tinytree's layout and pathways. But I was also compelled to start from scratch, even if some areas might turn out to look pretty similar. I also need to think about how I will move in two new villagers. After the 100th bee sting there was no turning back.

The first area I worked on is the area around town hall, the police station, and O'Hare's house. I never liked what I did with my town hall in my first completed version. I also wasn't too fond of the default town hall exterior but I never managed to get a perfect town status to change it. So getting a perfect town is definitely on my to-do list when rebuilding.

After clearing out the area, I put down general stepping stone paths I made as placeholders that could either be used as the final paths or kicked away later to reveal dirt paths. The light green "clover pattern" is being used to indicate a bush start and the dark green is to indicate a tree or bamboo. At the moment I am using any kind of fruit to plant as tree placeholders as well, but I'm planning on using mainly island fruits in this town in the end anyways. It's just a matter of which ones will be replaced with cedars, oak, or replaced with other fruits to make the colours alternate better.

Here's the initial plan of O'Hare's house that is right down the path from the police station.

Before: Police station

The new version of this area is quite similar to my original town. The only big difference is that there used to be a diagonal bridge here that goes to land across the river. I decided to demolish the bridge and relocated it further to the right. I also got rid of some trees in the middle leading down to O'Hare's house. Above is what this area looked like pre-tropical-treatment!

Here are two pictures of the trees in the middle with 1sq dirt paths looping around it. The previous version also has a 1sq dirt path that went in between the town hall and police station towards my rock pool area (where Stinky lives). In the new version I blocked this area off with trees and hydrangea bushes and I plan to make a different pathway.

After: Police station

Aaand here's the final result! I decided to make another variation of the stepping stone path that has flowers on it as well. This is so that it ties in better with my new colour scheme which is yellows, pinks, and oranges. I'm still unsure whether I want to use patterned paths or dirt paths with clovers like my previous version so I will have to landscape more of the other areas to see how it looks. If I'm too lazy to make dirt paths again at least I have these paths as a fallback.

As you can see, the trees in the middle were removed and replaced with a straight 2sq path that goes into the town hall cobble stones!

Before: O'Hare's House

Here's O'Hare's house before. That ugly tooth statue thing used to be where Nana lived, but I had moved her out to make room for Dizzy. Unfortunately, Dizzy moved into a weird spot (seen above) which caused a lot of problems in my landscaping. I think that's where things got a little messed up. I honestly think I gave up on this area so I placed that there as a temporary PWP and then never went back to it.

After: O'Hare's House

And finally here's O'Hare's little house now, surrounded by colourful flowers and tropical fruit! To the left there is a path that leads to the town hall but I haven't decided whether I like what I did with it that area yet... so I'll save it for another update. I also might chop the mango tree into a special stump for a seating area for O'Hare but currently I like how it looks!

Next Step

The next thing I plan to do before I do anymore solid landscaping is move Beau and Opal out for June and Scoot. Beau's move out is the priority because his house is in the spot where I want to place my new bridge so I need to block off that area after he moves out and then use an amiibo card to invite one of the new villagers in. I still have to decide where I want the two new villagers to go as well as where I want Dizzy's house to be relocated to. I have a lot of pattern placing to do! In the meantime, I need to hang out with them as much as I can! :'-D