Diving with IKI & Bora's house WIP

I've been working towards finishing Bora's house in the "haunted woods" as it is the last and final house I need to do before my town is ready for a dream address upload! I got IKI over once again to show her some of my WIP on his house and new rooms. She came over in her halo accessory which I thought was fitting for the visit because the house is supposed to represent dreamers/visitors who have met ill fates while visiting Borei! Afterwards we went diving although it was mainly us taking photos of us suffering to jellyfish stings. Then we goofed around town a bit in our matching pink wet suits :')

Progress on Bora's House

When IKI arrived I showed her Booker, the cute and oblivious police dog. He didn't seem to notice the visitor standing right behind him. Or maybe because she's a ghost? :'-D It's okay Booker, you're trying your best.

We head to the forest to see Bora's house. It was a light rain during her visit, which is typical for June and July and it's only going to get rainier throughout my time traveling back and forth while I complete this town. Strangely, I don't really get sick of staying in one season. Even in Tinytree I prefer to play around the Autumn months so I end up time traveling back and forth to stay in that month.

Arriving at Bora's dilapidated house! I planted a couple more perfect peach trees around here and I have been shaking them furiously every day to wilt them. Previously I had a few regular fruit trees so I can stock pile them for villager requests. But now they will be replaced with permanent dead trees! I also recently learned that wilted trees do not affect perfect town status and still count towards your tree count.

I upgraded the back "offering room" one size bigger and gave it some tiki torches and a circle of gyroids for bg sounds! There's another bloody pillow and skeleton in this room with an axe that my villagers used to dispatch visitors! :'-O Initially this was going to be an empty room where visitors have left their camping bags/belongings with a skeleton nearby to imply that they died while staying there. But then it didn't make sense that visitors would go settle all the way in the back room after seeing the bloody pillows and clothing items in the main room. Instead, I decided to keep the house as a general offering house as well as add a basement room for Bora the spirit/ghost that occupies it.

Here's version 1 of my "moved out" villagers room. Honestly this house is also just an excuse for me to display all my lovely villagers who have lived and live in the town, but with a little twist to it. This room was originally in the basement but after IKI left I moved it upstairs and changed it slightly. The reason being because I didn't want Bora's "room" to have any light source coming through and wanted it to be pure walls.

Diving time!

Leaving the haunted woods behind, we decided to do another activity we haven't done together yet: diving! IKI didn't know we could jump off cliffs in our wetsuits, so we entertained ourselves for a good while jumping off the edge! My reaction was too slow for me to get a photo of us jumping at the same time though :'-(

Here's IKI trying to swim away when I got stung by a jelly!

It eventually got her as well >:-D I learned that we see different jellies in our games. I couldn't see the jelly fish that was stinging IKI and she couldn't see mine! We could only see our reactions to them.

Hanging out by the waterfall! The "air swimming" motion (I don't know what to call it) gave us a good hour of entertainment running around on land and pressing "A" everywhere.

When we got out to dry off we also bumped into Gulliver washed ashore. Damnit, get your drinking problem together!

Around town we continued our air swimming shenanigans. Avery, you shall not pass!!

Don't forget to do your stretches after your diving work out!

IKI struggling across the pond.

Cleaning off by the water pump next to my house before heading home!