Island Hopping with IKI! And CLUBBING!

I think I gave IKI the ACNL bug after our fireworks play session :'-) She messaged me about doing some island tours together the next day. I'm always down for island tours! Because she didn't have a lot of clothes on her character I prepared a vacation outfit for the both of us. I wore the blue aloha shirt with green plaid pants and she wore the red aloha shirt with rainbow plaid pants. Plus we had matching hats and everything! We also went to her island after for more games and shopping. Then we finished the day off by HITTING THE CLUB in the most ridiculous outfits we could find at Able Sisters that day! Lots of cute pictures below :'-)

Island Tours!

The rare occasion Malis is not wearing her beak - in the comfort of her home!
After I was called out to the island I knew I had to prepare my best vacation wear for me and IKI! Tired but ready to do some tours!!

She came over and we met up at my docks. It was a nice sunny day in Borei. We both looked super cute in our matching aloha shirts :-)

Kappn sang us a very confusing song on the way over. A ship made of cucumber? Crew number? What has your wife got to do with it? Nobody asked about your marital status, Kappn.

When we arrived at the Island I noticed that there was a sea captain hat on sale! I've never seen that one before. We already had our matching straw hats but I just had to get the captain's hat for us. I'm pretty much IKI's sugar mama.

Tadaaaa! Looking fresh :-)

Next we went to book some tours! My tours of the day that we played were: Pros-Only Bug Hunt Tour, Official Gardening Tour, Market Price Bug Tour, Shark Battle Tour, and the Item Matching Tour! Here I'm dancing while IKI waits for me to sit down so we can start :'-)

I didn't take many nice pictures during the actual tours because of intense concentration™ but here are two I did manage to take!

Ok, maybe I wasn't concentrating during the Shark Battle Tour. IKI missed her shark because I was bothering her hehe. Sorry IKI!!!

Our beautiful bed of red flowers! Whenever I do this tour I always accidentally wear the flowers in my hair or shove them in my mouth when I'm meant to plant them :-( IKI did kick my butt in most of the challenges despite me trying to bother her!

The gardening tours actually inspired me to try and fix up my own island with flowers since I don't use it for bug hunting as a means of money making. I got IKI to help me gather red and yellow flowers from our tours! I showed her my appreciation by chopping a tree on top of her.

My plan is to make a walkway lined with hibiscus bushes and flowers going from the entrance of the hut to the middle rectangular shaped area in the front. I planted two trees here so I can cut them down when they grow and have two little stumps for a nice seating area!

After hanging out at my island I went over to IKI's town to visit her island! Her town name is Mochi.. with stars! Her town flag is a cute drawing of her bunny character/mascot. :'-D

I forgot most people play in real time, so IKI's town was winter and we were both very inappropriately dressed!! She hadn't played her town in a while so I was able to see the very cool looking rafflesia flower! I honestly wish we could have this flower in our town even when it's in perfect conditions. It would look really nice in my wilted peach forest!

Kappn sang us another hilariously ridiculous song. But this was the best part of it <3 So true!!!! :'-)

We didn't get to do many tours on IKI's island because I had to log off shortly after to make lunch, but one of the tours we did play was the Ancient Fish Tour! We were really bad at it though and only barely made the minimum requirement! I kept getting the wrong fish :'-( No Yay.

Me creepin on IKI hard at work.

We got really lucky in IKI's island shop because her gift shop was holding items that I needed (red hibiscus starts!) and items that IKI didn't have as well! Both aloha shirts were available at her shop so she was able to buy her own blue shirt that she was missing :'-)

The vacation isn't over

After my lunch we met up once again but this time because IKI wanted to go clubbing! We both didn't have any appropriate clothes to wear to a club (story of my life) so we decided to make a random outfit with whatever was available at Able Sisters and Labelle's and then surprise each other at the train station :-P

I was patiently awaiting IKI to arrive in my town so I could show off my amazing outfit. IKI's train pulled up to the station...

AND THIS IS WHAT SHE SHOWED UP IN. She beat me in medals and in the clubbing outfit!!!

At first we were just feeling the scene. Club LOL on a Wednesday night was very happening clearly.

But we eventually showed off some serious dance moves! B-) (Fist pumping and the wiggle jump. Excuse my poor animation skills)

Hanging out at the museum

We ended the night and a very long play session by visiting my underwhelmingly empty museum. It's okay though because IKI was wearing eye covers so it's not like she could see them anyways!

It's the ancient fish from the ancient fish tour!

The prettiest room in the whole museum! I really do hope that New Horizons will have even more breathtaking museum exhibits, especially the ocean fish room. I can just imagine an even bigger room and fish tank with a whole bunch of new fish to catch! Maybe the art gallery could have a courtyard with many different kind of statues?! And a collection of different artefacts from different regions? With the HD quality of the new game on switch, I imagine I'll be spending a lot of time in the museum just staring at all the exhibits. 

I touched the butt :-)