Tropical Makeover Pt 6: Tinytree's Colourful Beaches!

Tinytree's beaches were the last part of my landscaping for my makeover that I had to fix up. While everything else in town was finished, I felt really discouraged by all the mess and chaos on my beaches because they were being used as storage during the redesign. During all the ACNH island hype I somehow managed to work on rearranging my flowers and making it nice and presentable! After all, Tinytree is now a tropical town, so it definitely needs a welcoming beach!

I actually realised that I hadn't taken many photos of Tinytree's old beaches, probably because it wasn't anything interesting or theme related and was only used to dump some of my orange flowers. So I'm going to jump right in and post my new version. I had quite a lot of random hybrids and flowers left over from reorganising the top part of town. I wanted each beach section to match the flower patterns and colours of whatever was on the cliff above it. In this case, I was matching the beach flowers to the colours of Chief, Stinky, O'Hare, Tangy, Freckles, and town hall. There's not much to say about them other than the obvious, so I'm just going to dump all the photos here.


Tangy Beach

Freckles Beach

Stinky Beach (lol)

Chief Beach

O'Hare Beach

Tinytree Beach (town hall)