Tinytree House Tours: Eggs

The next house tour is Tinytree's small business owner, Eggs! He runs a cafe, antique shop, flower shop, grocer, and restaurant. He also has a room for himself on the top floor. His house is located right next to Re-Tail in Tinytree's "shop district". Also, I don't remember why I called him Eggs. He doesn't even have any egg-themed furniture in his house... 

Exterior and Landscaping 

Eggs' house is located right next to Retail by the train tracks. Thankfully, I didn't have to change the exterior at all because it already looked good with my new landscaping and colour scheme. Used here is the Fairytale room, Brick exterior, Barrel mailbox, Hedge, and arched cabin door.

Here's a picture to show how close in proximity it is to Retail. I used the square topiaries and the tulip topiary here to give it more of a plaza/park feel. To see how Eggs' landscaping looked before the Tropical makeover, click here!

Cafe (main room) 

The main room is the cafe, selling coffee and pastries! All the tile patterns used in this house are designed by me and inspired by Peranakan / Nyonya tiles. I made this house (and town) when I lived in Malaysia so a lot of the interior inspiration for this house came from that.

Unlike my Sann's cafe in Borei, Eggs' cafe only has single seat settings and no couches. I used a mix of the exotic furniture series and the classic furniture series.

A few from behind the counter, manned by a trusty gyroid.

Eggs' "uniform" is from the kerokerokeroppi set. I think he's wearing his default sneakers from when he was created.

Antique Shop

The room on the right is an antique shop! The floor tile here is also seen as a picture hanging in the cafe. I love designing rooms like this because it's a good excuse to use a mix of random eclectic furniture.

I guess the more "expensive" items are displayed in fancy display cases.


The left room is the town's small grocer! This shop has a little bit of everything, from general shelved goods, cheeses and confectionery, to local fruits and vegetables.

It even sells Fish! Villagers don't have to bug me about fish anymore. Just go buy it at the grocer!!!

To compare to Sann's fruit market, click here!

Flower shop 

This room is a flower/gardening shop and an indoor courtyard area. This room was also heavily inspired by Peranakan courtyards, although obviously I was limited in furniture items such as room dividers or walls within the room. Instead of dividers, I used the Ionian posts to give that courtyard feel. The front section is the shop art and the back section is the courtyard. Both this room and Nary's "garden room" in Borei have similar colour tones as well as music choice (K.K. Lullaby) and I think both have a similar vibe as well.

Eggs in the shop section! With another trusty gyroid as a cashier.

On the other side with more products.

Rock pool in the courtyard surrounded by plants Eggs has homegrown.

View of the special seating area. It could be an extra seating area for the cafe in the main room!

Restaurant / Speakeasy 

The basement floor is a restaurant and speakeasy! It serves Japanese food and even has a venue for musical performances!

I used mainly customised exotic furniture with a custom pattern on the stools. It's crazy how different the atmosphere is with just a simple recolour. I'm really loving red tinted lighting in the rooms I've created that use it.

View of the bar.

There's a flatscreen TV on the wall... for game nights...

In one corner I used the bridge from kerokerokeroppi's RV. The red worked perfectly in this room!

I was happy to find a way to incorporate the box sofa furniture somewhere because I always wanted to use it but couldn't find a way to fit it in without looking too office-like.

Eggs' room

Finally, here is Eggs' upstairs bedroom! I wanted to make it look like a mix of modern and a bit messy. I'm surprsingly pleased with how good the refurbished modern furniture looks with refurbished patchwork series.

That's all for Eggs' house! Next Tinytree post will be going over the very last section I haven't covered: my mayor's landscaping and house! Still working on getting those dirt paths in before I take photos.