Tropical Makeover Pt 7: Jules, Pudge and Campsite

I finished the landscaping around Mayor Jules and Pudge's house pretty early on but I only just got the dirt paths to set in after many days of vigorous running around. Thankfully this area is such a small part of town and the only area that I cared about dirt paths forming since the rest of Tinytree is covered in paths. This post will also cover the campsite and Tinytree's "tourist spot" that essentially took over my old character Charlie's house.

Before: Mayor Jules and Pudge

The biggest change to this area was the relocation of Dizzy, who used to live right in front of Pudge, and the flower colour scheme to match the new theme. Pudge and I shared similar colour tones so our area was filled with orange and black flowers. But with Dizzy in a less than ideal spot, I had to ease into blue flowers to make it work with his blue house. I loved him as a neighbour because he's my favourite villager, but his house was definitely an eyesore.

There was also a diagonal bridge that connected Jules' house to the Plaza area and campsite. I got rid of this bridge to make her house feel more isolated from the other part of town, while keeping Hazel's bridge in place.

Here's a picture of the other side of the bridge that lead to the plaza. The dirt path upwards lead to hazel's house and further down lead to Charlie's cabin. The stonehenge pictured here is where Dizzy and Scoot now live in the new version. The stonehenge was moved to the "tourist area" I will post about below.

The road down to Mei's house used to look like the above. I loved this area, so it was painful to redo it. I wanted to keep the trellis there because it felt like the perfect location, but it didn't go with the colour scheme that lead up to Jules' house. I ended up moving the trellis further down, which can be seen in Mei's house tour post.

Before: Campsite and Charlie's old cabin 

The older version of the campsite area is generally the same in the new version, with the biggest difference being that Charlie's house is now demolished and relocated further to the right and of course, the colour scheme is now changed to suit the tropical theme. I posted more about Charlie and his old house here.

This area right in front of the Plaza used to be a simple dirt path that lead to Charlie's cabin to the right of this path. There used to be a log bench here which is now the location of Charlie's replacement character, Louie.

After: Mayor Jules and Pudge

Here's what Jules' landscaping looks like now! With the removal of the diagonal suspension bridge, I was able to fill in some extra forest with cedars and bamboo. This area is actually the only part of town that has cedar trees. Tinytree is mainly colourful fruit trees, so entering this area does seem like a change from the usual look of town. It also has a unique combo of orange pansies, which I haven't used in the main area of town.

Here's a close up of Jules' exterior to suit the tropical theme! It still has green tones but is much brighter and has the cabana/bamboo style exteriors. You can also see the reds of Hazel's apple orchard in the background.

Here's another detailed look of the river that separates Jules and Hazel and the bridge that survived the demolitions!  

In an earlier post, I mentioned that I had to destroy one of my favourite parts of town to make room for June. I was sad about losing that area, but I managed to move all the PWPs there and use them for Jules' landscaping! The natural "hot springs" is now in me and Pudge's personal forest. This landscaping is actually almost identical to how I did Malis' landscaping... In fact, I borrowed a few ideas from that town to use in Tinytree's makeover.

Here's Pudge's house with the new colour scheme! Not much changed for him other than the flower colours scheme, which actually works a lot better with his exterior than the older version now that I think about it. He has a nice view of the waterfall in the back along with Hazel's house.

Here's another view of the bridge from Pudge's angle.

Here's where I moved the geyser to! This replaced Dizzy's old house.

And here's how the new pathway down to Mei's house looks like, which replaced the Wisteria Trellis. Although most of my fruit trees are pretty random and alternating, this area is the only part of town that is dedicated to Cherries. The campsite shown in the next section also has a dedicated area for Lychees. I eased into my cobble stone path starting from here because Mei's part of town is filled with my usual pathways and not dirt paths.

After: Campsite and Louie's House

Here's the new campsite! Campers who come to Tinytree can set up their tent right in the middle of Tinytree's ancient rock monuments!

I was surprised I could fit in two large PWPs here. A tropical town is not complete without the moai statue!

Here's a view showing Jules' forest.

Back on the main road is Louie's house, which replaced Charlie's cabin. Louie's house is unfinished and is the last house I need to design to complete Tinytree and upload it to the dream database. The log bench here was moved further up instead of being behind the path like in the previous version. I haven't decided whether I like Louie's exterior, so I'll leave the close ups for when I make a house tour post.

The stonehenge can also be seen to the left of the road. The vertical road goes down to Tangy house and the light house.

So that's it for Part 7! The next post will be Jules' house tour and then hopefully I can finish Louie's interior before ACNH launches! AAHH still a lot to do!